

TCC is looking for dedicated and experienced volunteers to be Committee Members

Thank you for your support of the Tamil Community Centre (TCC) over the past three years. Because of you, we have been able to find a suitable location at 311 Staines Road, secure $26.3M in government funding, release a pre-design of the building, and become a registered charity in Canada.

With these major hurdles behind us, we are now turning our attention to programming, governance, and fundraising. We are setting up Committees to help TCC be successful in each of these areas. But we need your help. We are looking for committed and experienced volunteers who can join these Committees and give at least five hours of their time a week. Please find Terms of Reference for each Committee at the links below.

$ 26.3 M
in government funding

Communications Committee

We want to keep everyone up to date on the project as often as possible. We are looking for writers for our email blasts and news releases, social media content creators, graphic designers, and people who can translate English materials to Tamil

View Terms of Reference

Fundraising Committee

To make this dream of a community centre a reality, and give the community all it is hoping for, we must fundraise around $35M. We need people to support our fundraising efforts.

View Terms of Reference

Governance Committee

The Board is working with a team of community and legal experts to ensure that our governance is ONCA compliant before the province's October deadline. We will be consulting with community to finalize this over the summer.

View Terms of Reference

Project Committee

Members of the committee would have experience in construction and budgeting of capital projects to take the TCC through the municipal process into construction and completion

View Terms of Reference

Coomunity Engagement / User Committee

We're refining our design, programming and services for the community centre by meeting with different community organizations who serve groups like seniors, youth, LGBTQ2S individuals, and women. We will also need support in engaging in a formal consultation process with the City of Toronto

View Terms of Reference
cta image

If you are interested in being a Committee Volunteer

Please fill out the application below by Feb 23, 2024. If you know someone who would be a great Committee Member, send us their names and contact information to the email